Saturday, October 18, 2008


It has been awhile since I last posted a blog. I thought I should update everyone on what is going on in the Breuker Household......Not much!! Actually we have just been busy gearing up for the fall and saying goodbye to summer. It is sad, but I am already excited to put up the Christmas decorations. I told Bryan I would at least wait til November! LOL!
Dakota has been such a hoot lately! He is our entertainment! Kota Bear is talking up a storm!!! He loves saying car, mama, dada, papa, side, eat, ease (please), vroom vroom, and many more words that we just don't quit know what he is saying! Kota loves to play outside. Right now give him a pile of leaves and he is a happy boy! Dakota also had a great time picking out his pumpkin. Now he can't wait to carve it. I will let you know how that goes. We have also been on lots of play dates lately. Dakota loves playing with Mya, Naomi, and Bradon! Mya and Kota love to wrestle.... they think they are big stuff and have sooooo much fun with each other!
We have had a great October so far and are looking forward to Halloween!


heidi said...

Nice blog! I didnt know you had one. I plan on putting up Christmas decorations right after the halloween party:)

Jen said...

The kids are so funny together. I'm glad they get along well. I had a really short winter last year and took down Christmas decorations so soon, so I'm excited for that too, not the snow though. You need to post some pictures of your little man!