Sunday, February 21, 2010

We are back!

Finally, I have my computer back!!! It has been way too long. I received a virus and it took out my entire computer. Now I am trying to get caught back up on all my blogs, facebook post and uploading all my pics. I never realized how much i depend on my computer for so many things!

We have been very busy since my last post. The house is still for sale. We are just waiting for the perfect buyer to come a purchase. We are in the process of getting the house re licensed for in-home childcare. We are gearing up to watch children out of the house again a couple of days a week. Bryan and I are also getting ready to sign our baby up for 3 school. I can't believe we are already sending Dakota to school. He will be turning 3 at the end of next month. Colten is getting his helmet off this week. We are so excited about that!

Besides all of that we are really eager for spring and summer!!!!!!


heidi said...

I have been looking into 3school too, have you found any you like?

Jen said...

Where is Dakota going for 3 school? Glad to see you are back online! Viruses stink!